vsenseVVDB2 | V-SENSE Volumetric Video Quality Database #2
18th December 2021
Volumetric video is becoming a popular format for representing real-life objects in 3D by creating 3D models using various techniques. Due to its high demand for system resources, compression is inevitable.
As part of our paper titled “Textured mesh vs coloured point cloud: A subjective study for volumetric video compression“, we release a database as described below. If you use this publicly available dataset, please cite our paper in your publication as indicated below.
For more information, you can check the research webpage: [Quality Assessment for Volumetric Video Compression].
The database contains:
- Four reference textured 3D mesh sequences in the format of OBJ + JPEG + MTL files (i.e., the V-SENSE volumetric videos),
- Four reference point cloud sequences in the format of PLY files (i.e., the V-SENSE volumetric videos),
- A collection of 24 compressed mesh sequences (from the V-SENSE reference point clouds),
- A collection of 64 compressed point clouds (from the V-SENSE reference point clouds),
- Scripts for 8i sequences, and
- The mean opinion scores for all 152 compressed sequences, collected from 23 participants.
The vsenseVVDB2 (Volumetric Video Quality Database #2) can be downloaded here: [vsenseVVDB2 Database] [vsenseVVDB2 lite version (subjective scores only)]
Please kindly cite our paper in your publication if you use this database:
- E. Zerman, C. Ozcinar, P. Gao, A. Smolic. “Textured mesh vs coloured point cloud: A subjective study for volumetric video compression.” Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Athlone, Ireland, May 2020.
@inproceedings{zerman2020textured, title = {Textured mesh vs coloured point cloud: A subjective study for volumetric video compression}, author = {Zerman, Emin and Ozcinar, Cagri and Gao, Pan and Smolic, Aljosa}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience ({QoMEX})} }
If you have any questions, send an e-mail to zermane@scss.tcd.ie or ozcinarc@scss.tcd.ie, or gaopa@scss.tcd.ie.