Invite to join our “Virtual Field Trip” project for collectively sharing experiences of COVID-19!
22nd January 2021
V-SENSE is currently running a “Virtual Field Trip” project for collectively sharing experiences of COVID-19. In the interest of collegiality and team building during these difficult times, you are cordially invited to take part in this unique form of storytelling research.
For more information on how you can take part in this research, please visit the project page here or email our colleague Gareth Young at YoungGa AT directly.
The project seeks to capture personal accounts of the lockdown via place-based photogrammetric 3D media and social virtual reality (VR) software. Through the combined use of opensource tools, multimodal site-specific 3D data, and a free to use social VR platform, it is possible to engage in community participation as artistic co-creative practice and undergo a uniquely creative form of storytelling and content creation. We anticipate our project will provide a platform for building online communities to share their intangible experiences and support virtual field trips worldwide.
Many thanks for your consideration.