User Behaviour Analysis of Volumetric Video
18th May 2021
Volumetric video (VV) pipelines reached a high level of maturity, creating interest to use such content in interactive visualisation scenarios. Volumetric video allows real-world content to be captured and represented as 3D models, which can be viewed from any chosen viewpoint and direction. Thus, it is ideal to be used in augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) applications. Both textured polygonal meshes and point clouds are popular methods to represent volumetric videos. We study the user behaviour aspects for the volumetric videos in our research.
In this study, we analyse the user behaviour for the volumetric video consumption in AR. In particular, we study the distribution of users’ viewpoints, relative locations, and average distances from the content. For this purpose, we built an Android AR application using the volumetric video and conducted a user study remotely. The results show that users spent most of their time looking at the frontal part of the volumetric video, and this indicates the importance of the face in visual attention. The collected user behaviour data are made public to support further research.
The vsenseVVAR (Volumetric Video in Augmented Reality Database) can be downloaded here: [vsenseVVAR database].
Please kindly cite our papers in your publication if you use one of these databases:
- E. Zerman, R. Kulkarni, A. Smolic. “User Behaviour Analysis of Volumetric Video inAugmented Reality.” Thirteenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Montréal, Canada, June 2021.
@inproceedings{zerman2021user, title = {User Behaviour Analysis of Volumetric Video inAugmented Reality}, author = {Zerman, Emin and Kulnarni, Radhika and Smolic, Aljosa}, year = {2021}, booktitle = {Thirteenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)} }
This publication has emanated from research conducted with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the Grant Number 15/RP/2776.
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