Light Field Imaging

A Fourier Disparity Layer representation for Light Fields
Principle The Fourier Disparity Layer (FDL) model, is a representation of Light Fields allowing efficient processing by fully exploiting the parallelisation capabilities of modern GPUs. In the FDL representation, the ...

A Spatio-Angular Binary Descriptor for Fast Light Field Inter View Matching
Abstract Light fields are able to capture light rays from a scene arriving at different angles, effectively creating multiple perspective views of the same scene. Thus, one of the flagship ...

A spatio-angular filter for high quality sparse light field refocusing
Abstract The ability to render synthetic depth-of-field effects post capture is a flagship application of light field imaging. However, it is known that many existing light field refocusing methods suffer ...

A Study of Efficient Light Field Subsampling and Reconstruction Strategies
Abstract Limited angular resolution is one of the main obstacles for practical applications of light fields. Although numerous approaches have been proposed to enhance angular resolution, view selection strategies have ...

A Study of Light Field Streaming for Interactive Refocusing
Light fields are able to capture light rays from a scene arriving at different angles, which allows post-capture rendering applications such as interactive viewpoint selection or refocusing. However, this additional ...

Depth Map Estimation from Light Field Images
Abstract Depth map estimation is a crucial task in computer vision, and new approaches have recently emerged taking advantage of light fields, as this new imaging modality captures much more ...

High Dynamic Range Light Fields via Weighted Low Rank Approximation
Abstract In this paper, we propose a method for capturing High Dynamic Range (HDR) light fields with dense viewpoint sampling. Analogously to the traditional HDR acquisition process, several light fields ...

High Quality Light Field Extraction from Raw Plenoptic Data
In recent years, light fields have become a major research topic and their applications span across the entire spectrum of classical image processing. Among the different methods used to capture ...

Interactive Light Field Tilt-Shift Refocus
Since their introduction more than two decades ago, light fields have gained considerable interest in graphics and vision communities, notably due to their ability to provide the user with interactive ...

L2 based Colour Correction for Light Field Arrays
In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of Light Field (LF) imaging technology with the increase in availability of LF camera devices such as the Lytro, ...

Light Field Denoising by Sparse 5D Transform Domain Collaborative Filtering
In this paper, we propose to extend the state-of-the-art BM3D image denoising filter to light fields, and we denote our method LFBM5D. We take full advantage of the 4D nature ...

Light Field Saliency Estimation
Light fields have become a major research topic in recent years. Even though there are now efforts in different applications such as compression, display, and post-processing, the human visual perception ...

Light Field Style Transfer With Local Angular Consistency
Abstract Style transfer involves combining the style of one image with the content of another to form a new image. Unlike traditional two-dimensional images which only capture the spatial intensity ...

Light Field Super-Resolution via LFBM5D Sparse Coding
In this paper, we propose a spatial super-resolution method for light fields, which combines the SR-BM3D single image super-resolution filter and the recently introduced LFBM5D light field denoising filter. The ...

Light fields imaging technologies
Light fields capture all light rays passing through a given volume of space. Compared to traditional 2D imaging systems which capture the spatial intensity of the light rays, 4D light ...

Self-supervised light field view synthesis using cycle consistency
Abstract High angular resolution is advantageous for practical applications of light fields. In order to enhance the angular resolution of light fields, view synthesis methods can be utilized to generate ...

The Potential of Light Fields in Media Productions
One aspect of the EU funded project SAUCE is to explore the possibilities and challenges of integrating light field capturing and processing into media productions. A special light field camera ...

Visual Attention for Light Fields
Light fields have become a major research topic in recent years. Even though there are now efforts in different applications such as compression, display, and post-processing, the human visual perception ...