The Potential of Light Fields in Media Productions
13th December 2019
One aspect of the EU funded project SAUCE is to explore the possibilities and challenges of integrating light field capturing and processing into media productions. A special light field camera was build by Saarland University and is first tested under production conditions in the test production “Unfolding” as part of the SAUCE project. Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg developed the contentual frame, executed the post-production and prepared a complete previsualization. Calibration and post-processing algorithms are developed by the Trinity College Dublin and the Brno University of Technology. This document describes challenges during building and shooting with the light field camera array, as well as its potential and challenges for the post-production.
The Potential of Light Fields in Media Productions
Jonas Trottnow, Simon Spielmann, Tobias Lange, Kelvin Chelli, Marek Solony, Pavel Smrz, Pavel Zemcik, Weston Aenchbacher, Mairéad Grogan, Martin Alain, Aljosa Smolic, Trevor Canham, Olivier Vu-Thanh, Javier Vázquez-Corral, Marcelo Bertalmío
J. Trottnow et al. The potential of light fields in media productions. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Technical Briefs, SA ’19, pages 71–74, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM. doi: 10.1145/3355088.3365158