vsenseVVDB2 | V-SENSE Volumetric Video Quality Database #2
Volumetric video is becoming a popular format for representing real-life objects in 3D by creating 3D models using various techniques.…
18th December 2021
Volumetric video is becoming a popular format for representing real-life objects in 3D by creating 3D models using various techniques.…
Volumetric video is becoming a popular format for representing real-life objects in 3D by creating 3D models using various techniques.…
Volumetric video allows real-world content to be captured and represented as 3D models, which can be viewed from any chosen…
This paper presents an approach to upsampling point cloud sequences captured through a wide baseline camera setup in a spatio-temporally…
Volumetric video (VV) pipelines reached a high level of maturity, creating interest to use such content in interactive visualization scenarios. Volumetric…